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Richard III

Ever since the bones of King Richard III were exhumed from a Leicester City Council car park in 2012, interest in the much-maligned king continues to grow. But as far as Shakespeare was concerned, the embittered and physically deformed crown usurper was an unadulterated villain. Director of Butterfly Creek Theatre Troupe’s production in early March, Mike Butcher, believes Richard III is the best play Shakespeare ever wrote. He also believes he’s assembled the best cast to tell the story, with Colton Stuart in the main role, Allan Burne as Richard’s right-hand man Lord Buckingham, and Lian Butcher as Lady Anne Warwick, manipulated into marrying Richard

Auditions for BCTT’s The Nerd, by Larry Shue

Muritai School Hall 166 Muritai Road, Eastbourne, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Auditions for BCTT’s The Nerd, by Larry Shue, are scheduled for 2pm on Sunday 6 April, in the Muritai School Hall. Set in the mid-Western, mid-sized city of Terre Haute, Indiana, Willum’s architectural career is ticking along nicely. When he has a surprise phone call and hears that he will finally meet the man (Rick Steadman) who anonymously saved his life in Viet Nam, he is thrilled. His positive outlook quickly turns sour when he discovers that Rick is a hopeless nerd, devoid of any social and emotional intelligence. And when Rick moves in with him without being invited, his life turns upside-down and all

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